contractor place 2
San Clemente, CA City Rating: We have identified this city as the primary city for this contractor.

SC Design Center

since 1992

Examples of works performed by SC Design Center


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About SC Design Center


total score

The main rating value calculated from more than 30 indicators.
Exact value: 34.637172 out of 100.

SC Design Center, in downtown San Clemente, is the result of a designer and contractor partnership. They've created a boutique space with a focus on beautiful quartz countertops. From countertops installation in kitchens to bathrooms, their diverse selection of materials and resources caters to your needs. SC Design Center's stylish choices and quality craftsmanship make it the go-to spot for all your countertop needs, sparking creativity and innovation in the design and building process.

More info

Mystery Shopper Report


The mystery shopper rating is calculated as a weighted average of the indicators, which you can find out about below. Exact value: 2.138889 out of 5.
criteria: 10

Staff friendliness


Very Good

Staff Expertise


Very Good

Company Age



Own Office


Has Office

Own Production


No Data

Veterans Discount



Production time



Deposit Level


No Data

Quote Time





No Data

Company services


service-kitchen To order


service-bathroom To order


service-outdoors To order


service-commercial To order


service-fireplaces To order

Sill rail

service-sill_rail To order

Contact SC Design Center for a Free Estimate

814 S El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672

Additional benefits of SC Design Center

Wheelchair accessible entrance

Wheelchair accessible parking lot


Credit cards

Debit cards

In store shopping


Kitchen remodeler

Bathroom remodeler

Building materials supplier

Cabinet maker

Construction company

Countertop store

Flooring store

General contractor

Tile contractor

Reviews about SC Design Center

All (4)

Google (4)

Source: icon-google Google

Brian Sim

Date: 2022-12-27 21:53:06

Very happy to have been referred to PSI, Inc., by multiple friends. From start to finish for our complete interior remodel, the team members were exceptional throughout, our expectations were managed all along, and we even ended up getting in much earlier than expected thanks to consistent and solid efforts by the entire team. From all the PSI employees to the few sub-contractors utilized, it was very clear that all team members enjoy working with Steve and the entire PSI Team. Highly recommended as we are still in awe of our interior remodel. From initial ideas to final plans, construction, design direction and completion; we simply could not be happier with the results. Very easy to highly recommend this San Clemente staple of excellence!

Source: icon-google Google

jeff campbell

Date: 2021-11-08 20:36:08

easy to work with and they have a great support staff. complete remodel of house and they said about 6 months. we moved out for the construction and moved back in at 6 months. that was great! thank you to the team. house looks great; lots of compliments from people walking and driving by.

Source: icon-google Google

Chris Bonzoumet

Date: 2021-11-09 02:24:01

Steve and crew are very professional, and a pleasure to work with.

Source: icon-google Google

Bill Lefever

Date: 2021-11-22 19:28:06

Steve and his entire team are an absolute pleasure to work with. He has a depth of knowledge of construction and buyers needs unsurpassed. Their team has the ability to take your dreams to the finish line!

Contact SC Design Center for a Free Estimate

Choose the Way That Works Best for You!

814 S El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672