contractor place 3
Oxnard, CA City Rating: We have identified this city as the primary city for this contractor.

Portal Flooring & Tile

since 2011

Examples of works performed by Portal Flooring & Tile


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About Portal Flooring & Tile


total score

The main rating value calculated from more than 30 indicators.
Exact value: 20.241111 out of 100.

In terms of flooring, they are a one-stop shop. Whether it be ceramic, porcelain, or travertine tile, hardwood, laminate, or vinyl plank flooring, granite and quartz countertops, kitchen cabinets, or glass mosaics, they have it all. We included them in our list of the best countertop companies because of their strong Google ranking. They provide new countertops that are both affordable and of great quality, as well as free installation and pricing estimations. Their experts have worked with many different countertop materials over the years. Regardless of the project size they guarantee that you will be happy with the results of their work.

More info

Mystery Shopper Report


The mystery shopper rating is calculated as a weighted average of the indicators, which you can find out about below. Exact value: 0.07963 out of 5.
criteria: 10

Staff friendliness


No Data

Staff Expertise


No Data

Company Age



Own Office


No Data

Own Production


No Data

Veterans Discount


No Data

Production time


No Data

Deposit Level


No Data

Quote Time


No Data



No Data

Company services


service-kitchen To order


service-bathroom To order


service-outdoors To order


service-commercial To order


service-fireplaces To order

Sill rail

service-sill_rail To order

Contact Portal Flooring & Tile for a Free Estimate

Additional benefits of Portal Flooring & Tile

Small business

Wheelchair accessible entrance

Wheelchair accessible parking lot

Service guarantee

Quick visit

Credit cards

Debit cards

Tile store

Cabinet store

Flooring store

Granite supplier

Wood and laminate flooring supplier

Reviews about Portal Flooring & Tile

All (7)

Google (7)

Source: icon-google Google

Martin Anguiano

Date: 2023-09-21 15:05:13

The third time I buy flooring material and kitchen cabinets for a remodel good quality good price great service from tony

Source: icon-google Google

Mike Muskat

Date: 2021-04-16 17:37:43

The owner Tony is great. Large selection and competitive prices. Went to 3 stores in the area and they had the best prices.

Source: icon-google Google

Marko Manzo

Date: 2018-06-30 02:15:28

Wide Variety And Great Pricing!

Source: icon-google Google

Xuan Ha Pham

Date: 2024-02-10 16:11:04

We purchased 1,100 square feet (value almost $4000) of vinyl planks from this store. We were reassured multiple times before purchase that they can be returned with restocking fee 30%. After we were done with our house project, we had 8 boxes left and the owner refused to take the remaining 8 boxes (unopened & new) citing difficulty from the manufacturers. This is dishonesty and reflects poorly on his business practice. I had many other choices of vendors to buy vinyl planks from but I wanted to support a small store in Oxnard. It was a grave mistake. Beware all future buyers. Have any return policy in writing or lose money with un-returnable products. Edit: After a few weeks, the owner gave us a refund of the partial unused products. We are pleased with this outcome.

Source: icon-google Google

Marcos Flores

Date: 2016-05-02 20:47:30

good prices and customer service

Source: icon-google Google

Gabriel Gutierrez

Date: 2024-11-12 15:56:48

Es lo mejor de lo mejor en precios atención y calidad además el señor toni muy guapo como siempre te ofrece galletas y chetos flamin hot sodas frías siempre tiene una sonrisa 100% recomendado

Source: icon-google Google

Antonio Manzo

Date: 2018-02-11 06:52:15

Great service!

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