North Lion Stones
since 2006
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About North Lion Stones
total score
Exact value: 52.026667 out of 100.
North Lion Stones has two branches in Covington and New Orleans, which allows many local residents to find a countertop installation service near their homes or offices. The product line includes more than a hundred samples of granite, quartz, marble, travertine, onyx and quartzite of various colors, among which the customers can find an option for any interior solution. The whole process of creating a new countertop: measurements, selection of the plate, template, fabrication and installation is carried out by the experienced staff. In addition to countertops, the company offers cabinets, backsplashes, sinks and flooring.
Customer Feedback Score
reviews: 22
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Sill rail

Contact North Lion Stones for a Free Estimate

9129 Airline Hwy, New Orleans, LA 70118
Additional benefits of North Lion Stones
Wheelchair accessible entrance
Wheelchair accessible parking lot
Service guarantee
Credit cards
Debit cards
In store shopping
Countertop store
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Contact North Lion Stones for a Free Estimate
Choose the Way That Works Best for You!
9129 Airline Hwy, New Orleans, LA 70118