L & E Stone and Cabinets
since 2005
Examples of works performed by L & E Stone and Cabinets

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About L & E Stone and Cabinets
total score
Exact value: 69.495533 out of 100.
Since 2006, they've been working in the countertop sector, during which time they've grown into a well-known firm in the Columbus area. Our staff chose to include L & E Stone and Cabinets in our catalog of the trustworthy countertop companies after doing research using Google, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and several social networking sites. They offer countertop options made of natural material for residential and commercial establishments. Customers can select granite and marble countertops from the huge slab yard. Using modern techniques, they can guarantee a constant level of excellence.
Customer Feedback Score
reviews: 38
reviews: 7
reviews: 8
reviews: n/a
Mystery Shopper Report
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Sill rail

Contact L & E Stone and Cabinets for a Free Estimate

1199 Milepost Dr, Columbus, OH 43228
Additional benefits of L & E Stone and Cabinets
Wheelchair accessible entrance
Wheelchair accessible parking lot
Granite supplier
Cabinet store
Reviews about L & E Stone and Cabinets
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Contact L & E Stone and Cabinets for a Free Estimate
Choose the Way That Works Best for You!
1199 Milepost Dr, Columbus, OH 43228