American Marble & Granite
since 1993
Examples of works performed by American Marble & Granite

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About American Marble & Granite
total score
Exact value: 23.095621 out of 100.
American Marble & Granite offers bar tops, patio and wet bars, outdoor countertops. The company’s staff make all the process from design to countertop installation service.
Attention to detail and a friendly approach are its main goals. Visit its shop and order your ideal countertop.
We are an aggregator “Countertops Contractors” and we believe that American Marble & Granite with its experienced craftsmen will make you the countertop of your dreams. This is confirmed by numerous reviews on Google. The company's website has all the detailed information and we recommend it because of high quality and reasonable prices.
Customer Feedback Score
reviews: 64
reviews: 21
reviews: n/a
reviews: n/a
Mystery Shopper Report
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Sill rail

Contact American Marble & Granite for a Free Estimate

1930 Donmaur Dr, Crest Hill, IL 60403
Additional benefits of American Marble & Granite
Wheelchair accessible parking lot
Granite supplier
Reviews about American Marble & Granite
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Contact American Marble & Granite for a Free Estimate
Choose the Way That Works Best for You!
1930 Donmaur Dr, Crest Hill, IL 60403