contractor place 2
Thousand Oaks, CA City Rating: We have identified this city as the primary city for this contractor.

Agoura Hills Marble and Granite Inc.

since 2002

Examples of works performed by Agoura Hills Marble and Granite Inc.


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About Agoura Hills Marble and Granite Inc.


total score

The main rating value calculated from more than 30 indicators.
Exact value: 67.523333 out of 100.

The business has become an industry front-runner for the delivery of high-end products including granite and marble flooring, residential kitchen countertops, walls, and tiles. Their primary office and countertop facility are located in Newbury Park, and from there they serve customers up to seventy miles away. By doing all of their own manufacturing and countertop installation service, the team can maintain a high standard of countertops for reasonable costs. They bring slabs from 36 countries spread over six continents.

More info

Mystery Shopper Report


The mystery shopper rating is calculated as a weighted average of the indicators, which you can find out about below. Exact value: 3.807407 out of 5.
criteria: 10

Staff friendliness


Very Good

Staff Expertise



Company Age



Own Office


Has Office

Own Production


No Data

Veterans Discount



Production time



Deposit Level



Quote Time


Very Fast




Company services


service-kitchen To order


service-bathroom To order


service-outdoors To order


service-commercial To order


service-fireplaces To order

Sill rail

service-sill_rail To order

Contact Agoura Hills Marble and Granite Inc. for a Free Estimate

2640 Lavery Ct Unit B, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320

Additional benefits of Agoura Hills Marble and Granite Inc.

Wheelchair accessible entrance

Wheelchair accessible parking lot

Granite supplier

Bathroom remodeler

Countertop contractor

Countertop store

Kitchen remodeler

Marble contractor

Marble supplier

Natural stone supplier

Stone supplier


Reviews about Agoura Hills Marble and Granite Inc.

All (8)

Google (8)

Source: icon-google Google

Rick Hore

Date: 2019-12-10 21:25:34

Bob and Vera are great. I "wanted" a small piece of granite or marble for a small kitchen sink area at the office and Vera walked me through all options. Bob did a great job making it fit perfectly! They are now cutting some smaller pieces for a Fireplace Trim of which I know will look great. Bottom line, they are willing to work with you on smaller projects and subsequently earn your business (bigger jobs). We wont hesitate in using them for our kitchen, of which is next. I highly recommend Agoura Hills Marble and Granite!!

Source: icon-google Google

Joshua Boyd

Date: 2019-04-12 17:20:08

Nice.. Hanging up on people because your having communication issues is rude. I had more questions you didn't have to just hang up.

Source: icon-google Google

gabe sventek

Date: 2019-12-17 18:23:21

Fantastic! The had the Quartzite we wanted and totally the lowest price we could find. The staff were extremely accommodating and friendly. 10/10 definitely recommend!

Source: icon-google Google

Krasina Ludmil

Date: 2017-04-23 09:19:07

Very satisfied with this company for marble and granite at Newbury Park. Very big warehouse with large selection of marble and granite slabs and beautiful tiles. Nice and professional staff. Vera helped me to choose the right material and color for my kitchen. She was working with me and she spend more than an hour answering on all my questions I had. They also have very reasonable prices. I'm very happy with choosing Agoura Hills Marble and Granite. Highly recommended. Big thanks to the owner Bob.

Source: icon-google Google

Jill Romine

Date: 2020-03-07 15:01:07

We love the job they did for us.....everyone loves the way they look!!!

Source: icon-google Google

Gia Lee

Date: 2016-05-13 22:57:35

Fantastic! I went there to pick out the granite slab but was thrilled when I saw they had much more than that. I was able to bring together a complete bathroom remodel minus the sinks and hardware. it's going to be stunning! Thank you!

Source: icon-google Google

iTech Innovative

Date: 2017-04-22 09:21:12

We have used Agoura Hills Marble and Granite for more than 3 years and all the time we have been serve with care, professionalism and respect. Our last project was completly renovation for one of our business offices in Sherman Oaks. The owner Bob and his staff help us to make the right choice and select the right product. They have huge selection of granite, marble and tiles with verry competitive prices and very high quality. We're so happy, thank you again.

Source: icon-google Google

I. Mikulasek

Date: 2015-09-06 19:46:09

I have absolutely positive experience with all product and business transaction.

Contact Agoura Hills Marble and Granite Inc. for a Free Estimate

Choose the Way That Works Best for You!

2640 Lavery Ct Unit B, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320