Rethinking the Purpose of Our Blog Opened Doors to External Authors and Industry Experts: Week’s Project Updates

12 10 2024 09:05
reading time: 5 min

Now you can submit your article for free publication on our blog and gain readers’ attention!

Hello, friends!
This week turned out to be a true test for me and my team, full of unexpected and sometimes less-than-pleasant twists. But let’s take it step by step. I’d like to share the main story of the past week, which reminded me that obstacles and challenges often lead to the best solutions.

A Creative Block and a Breakthrough

It all started when Dara, our project designer, and I began updating the blog's homepage. It seemed like a straightforward task: refresh the design, make it more modern, appealing, and aligned with the style of our new main page. However, at some point, I realized Dara had hit a creative block, so I decided to step in. To help her, we held an impromptu Zoom meeting. Together, we brainstormed what should be featured on our blog’s main page beyond just articles and categories. We reviewed dozens of references but still couldn’t find the perfect solution. Then, we asked ourselves: what role does the blog play in our project, and what message do we want to convey to our readers?

That’s when it hit us! What if we transformed our blog into more than just a space for our articles? What if it became a platform for industry professionals to share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas with a wide audience? This idea inspired us both.

"We realized that our blog could become not just ours but a space where industry experts—contractors, designers, suppliers of materials and equipment, and of course, ourselves—could contribute valuable articles. As soon as we embraced this concept, we knew exactly how the structure of our blog's homepage should look."

This creative block forced us to rethink the goals and value of our blog. We quickly sketched a technical prototype and began working on the design.

If you’ve made it this far, feel free to email me your article at If it’s ready for publication, we’ll feature it with full credit to you. If your article needs some adjustments, we’ll provide feedback to help improve it and publish it

Moving on to Other News and Updates from the Week

Backend and Frontend Work

While Dara and I were reimagining the blog, our developers faced new challenges. We discovered some issues in the frontend code, particularly JavaScript scripts, which were written incorrectly and could negatively impact the new site's performance. Our specialists conducted a project audit, compiled a list of errors, and began addressing them.

The situation was complicated by the fact that we hired third-party contractors for frontend development, expecting a senior-level developer. However, we found out that a junior specialist had been assigned to the project, which caused the coding problems. After negotiations, the contractors urgently replaced the developer and promised to complete the work as quickly as possible, as we had already paid for the job.

During the week, we also updated the admin panel of our new site, adding new tools to improve usability for SEO specialists and content managers. Additionally, we fine-tuned the TOP-500/100 rating system.

Achievements and Progress

Our Analyst's Contributions

Our analyst, Ann, continued verifying data collected by our secret shoppers. Everything is going according to plan: inaccuracies are being identified, noted, and corrected immediately by our analysts and secret shoppers. The development delay even worked in our favor, giving us the opportunity to double-check everything, which is crucial for every participant in our ratings.

Copywriting Department Shines

Is there any area in our startup untouched by challenges? Yes, it’s our copywriting department!Our copywriter, Alice, excelled this week, preparing seven new articles on countertop pricing in various cities. Each article is a goldmine of valuable information for readers interested in purchasing countertops and comparing prices.

We are also working on a comprehensive article about promoting countertop businesses on Instagram. This idea came to us from studying the profiles of our contractors daily. In this new material, we analyze the most common mistakes made by ranking participants and provide actionable advice on using Instagram effectively to attract clients instead of it being a burden.

Growth on Social Media

Our team’s success isn’t limited to high-quality and useful articles. We’ve also seen growth on social media! Pinterest continues to gain traction, with monthly pin views reaching 12,000—up from 11,000 last week. That’s a 1,000-view increase in just a week. Our goal is to hit 100,000 views, and we’re confident we’ll get there!

Instagram is also performing well. Our reels are gaining views—not in the millions yet, but it’s only the beginning. This week, we received another message from contractors who saw a reel featuring their company and wanted to know more about our project and selection criteria for the ratings. We congratulated them on being among the best contractors in the U.S., according to our rankings. Moments like these are incredibly rewarding!

Wrapping Up

This week once again reminded me that when things don’t go as planned, it’s worth taking a step back and looking at the situation from a fresh perspective. This perspective allowed us to turn a design block into a new discovery and reshape our strategy to bring even more value to our users, contractors, and industry experts.

I’m incredibly grateful to my team for their support, enthusiasm, and willingness to take on new challenges. Without them, none of these achievements would have been possible.

Join Us!
Finally, if you’re an expert in interior design, countertop manufacturing, production equipment, material supply to the U.S. market, or even a buyer who can share their experience with our users, write to me at I’d love to have you among our blog’s contributors.

Thank you to everyone supporting us on this journey. Your comments and ideas are incredibly valuable to us.
Until next time!

Best regards,
Max Kuchma
Founder and CEO, Countertops Contractors