contractor place 5
Syracuse, NY City Rating: We have identified this city as the primary city for this contractor.

Kitchen Express, Inc.

since 1995

Examples of works performed by Kitchen Express, Inc.


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About Kitchen Express, Inc.


total score

The main rating value calculated from more than 30 indicators.
Exact value: 68.078351 out of 100.

The company cooperates with private homeowners, contractors, builders and interior designers. Experts are ready to assist in choosing kitchen or bathroom countertops made of natural stone. Own production makes it possible to offer customers affordable prices for marble, quartz and granite countertops. The company offers optimal conditions of cooperation for customers. The services may include delivery, which helps to keep the product in its original form. Professional craftsmen perform the installation quickly, reliably and firmly. Delivery and installation are possible at a convenient time.

More info

Mystery Shopper Report


The mystery shopper rating is calculated as a weighted average of the indicators, which you can find out about below. Exact value: 3.207947 out of 5.
criteria: 10

Staff friendliness


Very Good

Staff Expertise


Very Good

Company Age



Own Office


Has Office

Own Production


No Data

Veterans Discount


No Data

Production time


Very Fast

Deposit Level



Quote Time



Price Level


Below Average

Company services


service-kitchen To order


service-bathroom To order


service-outdoors To order


service-commercial To order


service-fireplaces To order

Sill rail

service-sill_rail To order

Contact Kitchen Express, Inc. for a Free Estimate

429 Hiawatha Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13208

Additional benefits of Kitchen Express, Inc.

Wheelchair accessible entrance

Wheelchair accessible parking lot


Credit cards

Debit cards

In store shopping


Cabinet store

Reviews about Kitchen Express, Inc.

All (9)

Google (7)

Facebook (2)

Source: icon-google Google

Archie McEvers

Date: 2024-03-10 21:15:22

Great experience with tons of choices and good guidance.

Source: icon-google Google

Ann Marie Sensenich

Date: 2017-08-25 18:48:11

Great place and excellent customer service!

Source: icon-google Google

Paul Cox

Date: 2018-06-14 18:29:24

Greg and his staff are always great

Source: icon-google Google

Mohamed Alli

Date: 2023-07-08 18:29:09

Great place and people. The treat the delivery guys with respect 🙏 Thank you.

Source: icon-google Google

Ronald M Milback

Date: 2023-12-21 11:20:27

Scott is great to work with; extremely knowledgeable and talented. Have worked with Scott on over 50 kitchens/bath plans within the last year and everything is done correctly and consistently with my clients wants and needs! Keep up the great work!

Source: icon-google Google

Linda Kazel

Date: 2016-03-15 01:57:48

My experience with Greg at Kitchen Express has been very positive. For every question I had about a design I created to squeeze every square inch of storage out of a small space, he had the answer and, in many cases, offered feedback and suggestions to improve the design, efficiency and flow. He explained the features and benefits of available upgrades so that I could choose the ones I wanted and still not exceed my budget. Compared to other prices on comparable cabinets, Kitchen Express saved me nearly $2,000. Cabinets are on order and will be delivered mid-April. Many thanks to Greg and Kitchen Express for truly excellent service.

Source: icon-google Google

Scott Keane

Date: 2021-02-18 17:18:46

Really knowledgeable, very good service and lots of ideas. Recommend coming here to anyone.

Source: icon-facebook Facebook

Raj Marble


Amazing collection and customer service and amazing professional staff

Source: icon-facebook Facebook

Michelle Smith Quintana


Super professional and amazingly helpful. Had my kitchen redone in 2007. They helped with EVERYTHING! From designs to appliances, countertops and cabinets. They took care of everything!! And they were there to answer all of my million questions with a smile and a good sense of humor.... . Mostly because I couldn't make up my mind about anything. They helped make all the decisions and I recieved a beautiful kitchen with more bells and whistles for a better price than the local home improvement stores had offered. In a new house now and can't wait to call and have them help me design another kitchen!!!

Contact Kitchen Express, Inc. for a Free Estimate

Choose the Way That Works Best for You!

429 Hiawatha Blvd, Syracuse, NY 13208