contractor place 4
Springfield, IL City Rating: We have identified this city as the primary city for this contractor.

Modern Countertops

since 2009

Examples of works performed by Modern Countertops


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About Modern Countertops


total score

The main rating value calculated from more than 30 indicators.
Exact value: 56.807843 out of 100.

Modern Countertops is a professional countertop company serving Springfield, IL and the surrounding territories. It specializes in elegant design but strong materials. The staff of the company will manufacture a new countertop, replace or even upgrade your old one. Modern Countertops has everything to provide you with the countertop of your dreams.
The company tries to find the best colors. Its managers will help you to choose the color that would fit your project. You can choose from quartz and natural stone. The company’s staff uses a laser templator to cut materials and polishes countertops with an in-house CNC machine.
The company has a one stop shop, where you can touch all the samples.

More info

Mystery Shopper Report


The mystery shopper rating is calculated as a weighted average of the indicators, which you can find out about below. Exact value: 3.281481 out of 5.
criteria: 10

Staff friendliness



Staff Expertise



Company Age



Own Office


Has Office

Own Production


Has Prod

Veterans Discount



Production time


Very Fast

Deposit Level



Quote Time


No Data

Price Level


No Data

Company services


service-kitchen To order


service-bathroom To order


service-outdoors To order


service-commercial To order


service-fireplaces To order

Sill rail

service-sill_rail To order

Contact Modern Countertops for a Free Estimate

2527 N 5th St, Springfield, IL 62702

Additional benefits of Modern Countertops

Online estimates

On-site services

Home builder

Countertop contractor

Countertop store

Kitchen remodeler

Reviews about Modern Countertops

All (8)

Google (8)

Source: icon-google Google

Bud Price

Date: 2019-06-03 22:52:09

First class

Source: icon-google Google

Kelli Pachlhofer

Date: 2017-10-09 21:57:05

Excellent variety

Source: icon-google Google

Koady Hawkins

Date: 2019-10-02 20:55:03

Countertop shop.

Source: icon-google Google

Erick Pitchford

Date: 2017-12-06 16:14:43

UNBELIEVABLE company....My wife and I hired them, through Arizona Tile, and what a GREAT job they did. From their communication, to their customer service, to their wonderful installers, they went above and beyond to make our kitchen WONDERFUL!!!

Source: icon-google Google

Brad Crossan

Date: 2018-01-20 16:54:50

Absolutely wonderful experience with Modern Countertops. 5 stars are not enough, would give them more if I could. They were incredibly professional, polite, and hard working. They do impeccable work with great attention to detail. We absolutely love the countertop and the job they did. I would highly recommend them to everyone.

Source: icon-google Google

Carol Cable

Date: 2021-10-27 22:08:05

Did a great job for our bathroom remodels through Distinctive Design and are using them again for our study.

Source: icon-google Google

Larry Senalik

Date: 2021-10-11 01:17:24

Very nice granite and installation

Source: icon-google Google

Karey Soper

Date: 2021-11-26 21:52:36

I would recommend their counter tops to anyone! They completed the whole project within three weeks despite a pandemic. I had gone to two other places. i went to one and five months later they called and said they could not put in my counter tops because the installer was tied up. Modern staff arrived on time every time, had one or two glitches but were on top of it right away. It looks great and works beautifully. I highly recommend them if you want someone who pays attention to detail and works diligently to do the best job possible.

Contact Modern Countertops for a Free Estimate

Choose the Way That Works Best for You!

2527 N 5th St, Springfield, IL 62702